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Dec 23, 2019

Virtual reality (VR) pioneer Jeremy Bailenson discusses how VR experiences can change our perception of self, increase empathy, and lead to new forms of social interaction.

Jeremy Bailenson is the founding director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab where he studies the psychology of VR, in...

Dec 17, 2019

Author and media commentator Rachel Botsman discusses trust, collaborative consumption, and innovative new uses for blockchain technology.

Rachel is the leading global authority on an explosive new era of trust. She’s an award-winning author, speaker, university lecturer and media commentator. Her specialism is an...

Dec 9, 2019

Therapist Michael Carthy discusses how he uses virtual reality to help individuals overcome anxiety, conquer their phobias and tackle their fears.

Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) is backed by twenty years of scientific studies that prove its efficacy. Together with specialised software, Michael supervises his client's use...

Dec 9, 2019

Performance artist Dani Ploeger discusses electronic waste (e-waste), planned obsolescence of technology and the posthuman in performance.

Dani's work investigates and subverts the spectacles of sex, violence and waste in techno-consumer culture. He has undergone an operation in which electronic waste was installed...

Dec 9, 2019

Carla Gannis discusses emoji, using augmented reality for creativity and the current state of digital art in New York.

Carla is an American artist and Industry Professor of Integrated Digital Media at NYU. She identifies as a visual storyteller and with the use of 21st Century representational technologies she narrates...